I'm done! The truth about step 1!

Okay so last night I got great sleep cuz I have been practicing for about 1-2 weeks! got up at 6am...had oatmeal and red bull = )

Packed all my things last night, had my clothes out!

Was happy this morning cuz I hung out all day yesterday and had tonz of fun!!! didnt even realize today was the exam :P

Didnt really care or feel nervous today, I knew I tried my best in studying!!

Took tonz of stuff with me to eat, even though people say that you wont wanna eat! WELL GUESS WHAT!! I ATE EVERY BREAK, every hour!!! = )

Got there earlier than I was suppose to...which was suppose to be at 8am to start at 830 am...but got there at 730am! so I started pretty early.

Now for the truth about the exam...UM ITS NOT HARD AT ALL. I dont get why people say its hard...Maybe I over studied? but really? umm it was not hard...so for those of you planning to take the exam...if you studied your butt off...ITS NOT HARD AT ALL. So please do not listen to those people that say its hard. Cuz its NOT.

I wore comfy clothes...pjs and flip flops...just chillaxed...sat back n relaxed like I was at home doing UWorld...

Nothing on the exam was unfamiliar..I had seen each and every question as a topic before..nothing at all was new to me..even the experiment questions were do able.

I can't believe people say this exam is hard LOL I was pretty shocked...

I studied for 4 months...a gazillion hours a day...Kaplan videos, Goljan audio, UWorld, DIT..everything was put into my FA. I must have done FA about 7 times...

I didnt do any NBMEs even though I really wanted to ...and I myself advise people to do NBME 7 ... but I only took one NBME which was in medical school in December in my last term. People have asked me in the past what score I would be happy with on an NBME and I answered 240, doesn't mean I took an NBME. I just don't think its necessary. My theory about exams are, either you know it or you don't. In order to take any exam, you need the knowledge. UWorld prepared me on how to answer and think about questions. But thats about it. I didn't need something to predict my score and to practice with more questions. I needed the knowledge to answer them. Everyone is different though.

Hmm what else..I always had like 5-10 minutes left in each block...depends usually 5.

I had I think 2 audios, not that many images. And everything was equally distributed. I think I had very less pharm. Everything else was pretty equally panned out on my exam.

DO NOT get discouraged by those people who say its hard !! ITS NOT HARD AT ALL. Its actually easier than any med school exam Ive taken lol

So Im done! Any questions! feel free to ask. I will let you guys know my score once it comes!!! = ) otherwise WOOHOOO!!!

And yeah I never once felt tired, not even towards the end. I was always feeling the same, happy n normal.

Good luck!!
